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extremely dry leg skin

by:Top-In     2020-08-04
Dry skin on the legs is a common problem that will occur at any age. Many over-the-
Counter products can relieve periodic dry skin and some simple changes, such as limiting the length and temperature of the shower, may control your symptoms.
However, experts at the University of Maryland Medical Center point out that for extremely dry skin that does not respond to home care measures, you may need to see your doctor.
Dry skin symptoms the skin usually dries more in the arms, abdomen, and lower legs.
Mild symptoms may include tight skin and some peeling.
Extremely dry skin in the legs can cause redness of the skin, intense itching, fine lines or cracks, peeling of the skin or deep cracks that sometimes bleed.
Severe itching can cause you to lose sleep when the skin is extremely dry, and subsequent scratches can cause open ulcers or ulcers.
When the protective layer on the surface of the skin drops and the cells lose moisture, the dry skin appears.
For most people, due to forced air heating or air conditioning, dry skin can occur with aging or reduced indoor humidity.
A dry climate, like a climate found in the desert in southwestern United States. S.
It can also reduce the moisture of the skin.
Potential medical conditions can lead to extreme dryness of the skin, including psoriasis, a condition that often results in thick, scaly plaque formation on the skin.
Rough and dry skin may also have symptoms of thyroid disease, which reduces the activity of sweat glands and sweat glands. Prescription-
The intensity choice of extreme dryness of the skin depends on the severity and potential cause of your symptoms.
The American Academy of Dermatology notes that healthcare providers often recommend products that contain lactic acid or urea.
These are effectively sealed in moisture, but they stimulate severely dry skin.
If the standard is excessivethe-
Your doctor may have a prescription --
Contains pain cream that helps reduce itching.
For cracks or open cracks, he may allow you to use a wet dressing containing drugs to reduce the chance of infection and help your skin heal.
He should also test and treat any potential medical reasons for your dry skin.
Home experts recommend that you moisturize regularly, at least twice a day, to help prevent dry skin.
Choose warm water instead of hot water and limit the bath or shower time to 15 minutes or less to help keep the skin hydrated.
Apply the moisturizer to the wet skin within three minutes of the bath or shower, and pat the skin almost dry instead of rubbing briskly with a towel, which may increase the efficacy of the moisturizer.
Soap or soap with fragrance is particularly dry.
The dermatologist at UMMC recommends that you use only a small amount of soap and avoid using it on your legs as much as possible.
Using a humidifier at home and drinking a lot of water all day can also help replenish your skin.
Health professionals at the National Institute of Diabetes, digestion, and kidney disease warn that your body will lose fluid because of high blood sugar levels, which can cause extremely dry skin.
Since cracks can occur in severely dry skin, causing infection, NIDDK recommends that you check the skin on your legs on a regular basis, if you have problems with dry skin, or notice any red or pain points on your skin, go see a doctor.
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