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greening your beauty routine - what does it really mean?

by:Top-In     2020-08-08
In a broad sense, \"green\" means accepting what I call 3 Rs: Reduce, Re-
Use and recycle.
Reducing consumption is the beginning of everything.
The less we consume, the less energy we need to produce or transport products, and the less waste and pollution we produce, which in turn reduces our chances of exposure to toxins.
One of the easiest ways to reduce consumption is to re-
Use or recycle products and/or materials instead of creating new products and/or materials to replace old products and/or materials.
The other is to buy products made locally or as close to your home as possible.
Recycling is final because it takes a lot of energy to recycle things.
Some people believe that the energy needed for recycling is greater than the benefits of recycling.
But recycling is still a better option than throwing things into the garbage because they end up releasing harmful gases in the landfill ---
Sometimes hundreds of years!
Borrowing a line from the computing world is all about I/O-
Input and output.
If you want to know how to green any aspect of your lifestyle or make it more \"grounded\"
There are three factors to consider: 1.
Input: Who, What, Where, Why, how?
Start by viewing input-
Everything you need to make a particular product
From ingredients to packaging to how it is distributed.
Where is the source of raw materials? How are they made?
Is the process of extracting them basically safe for the environment?
Is the manufacturing process moderately clean, very clean, a little dirty, or is it very dirty? Are there by-
Products that are toxic or can pollute the environment? How energy-
Is the various processes used to make finished products dense?
Where is it sold relative to it, where is it manufactured?
How far must it go before it reaches youuser?
These are some of the ways to determine the carbon footprint of a product.
The more energy and fuel you need to move materials and finished products, the farther you travel, the greater the carbon emissions that lead to pollution and global warming.
Other issues or concerns related to production in this regard include small producers (like farmers)
Pay a fair price for materials or services;
If the worker is subjected to unnecessary harm in the production process;
Or are subject to inhuman conditions. 2.
The impact of products on the life cycle of personal care and beauty products, the key is always in the ingredients first, packaging second.
In the hierarchy of available options, factory-
Basic products are obviously safer than synthetic products and petroleum products.
Based on peers.
In history, plants have been successfully used for medical and beautification purposes because, as creatures of nature, our bodies can understand and make better use of the ingredients that exist in nature (
Whether it\'s taken as food or absorbed into the skin by local use).
The emergence of synthetic materials and oil
From a historical point of view, the product is relatively new.
Because they are \"made\" and not present in nature, it makes sense for our bodies to be able and often difficult to deal with them.
Of course, products grown and produced organically are safer because products grown and produced organically have extremely low exposure to pesticides and the practice of organic cultivation is not safe.
Pollution and total sustainability.
The number of chemical and petroleum components that make personal care and beauty products is amazing, not to mention some terrible by-products
Products in the manufacturing process.
Organic Consumers Association, March 2008 (OCA)
Commissioned a study to find that even some of the leading \"natural\" and \"organic\" personal care products contain a highly toxic ingredient known as 4-1Dioxane. This is a by-
\"Ethoxate\" products, cheap short
Cutting the raw materials used by the company to soften the roughness. 1,4-
Diox ring is considered cancer
According to the detailed provisions of California\'s proposal No. 65, chemical substances are caused.
When you see the primary effects on your health and safety, you should also consider the secondary effects of washing these ingredients off your skin and draining the sewer.
What happens when toxic chemicals and petroleum components enter our rivers? 1,4-
The dioxygen six-ring has been identified as a major pollutant in groundwater and is a good example of potential hazards that may be lurking in products that we happily consider safe. 3.
What happens at the end of the line?
When observing the final impact of personal care products on the environment, packaging is probably the most important.
There are certain types of plastic like PVC (
This is non-recyclable and the production is very \"dirty \".
\"Plastic can filter chemicals throughout its life cycle, release toxins to surrounding communities during manufacturing, and expose them to smoke when burned on the back poses a health risk --end.
Again, there is a level of preference in terms of packaging, starting with glass, glass is the safest and most eco-friendly option, followed by repackaging
Available materials such as aluminum or stainless steel (
The aluminum container should have FDA-
Approved epoxy internal coating to prevent reactivity with the contents)
Recycled plastics such as PET (more friendly (
Pet)and HDPE (High-
Density polyethylene).
The most important concern for your health and environment is plastic, coded as 3, 6 and 7.
Acceptable plastic containers are marked with 1, 2, 4 and 5.
To truly be \"green\", your personal care program will choose to design products with \"environmental intelligence\" from beginning to end;
Made entirely in the United States. -
Preferably in the area where you live;
Do not pose any known safety risks to your health.
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