RFID tags are everywhere. They are used to establish access control systems, passports, inventory tracking. . . This structure will show how to use Arduino and some simple components ( Coils, transistors, capacitors, resistors) Make a device that can deceive 125 KHz (low frequency)RFID tag. This is version 1 so a lot of improvements can be made, but this version is simple but it works. I did the job in a few hours without RFID knowledge and didn\'t have any fancy devices ( Like radio-tuned hardware or oscilloscope. . . I think the oscilloscope is beautiful and I need to pick up one of them). Update: According to these instructions, here is a link to the Arduino Mini shield. Part: * part of the paint core solid core copper wire ( I am using the Green Line shaft on the 3 line shaft sets Radio shed). * 1 pnp transistor, I used 2N3904*1 10 k ohm resistor * 1 10nf capacitor (0. 01 uF). I\'m using the metal polyester film cap I bought from Radio Shack and others should wrap the wires through * a toilet roll, onI tested my circuit with a parallax RFID serial reader connected to the second ArduinoA passive RFID tag. There is a coil inside the RFID reader, which has a coil that produces different electronic fields ( 125 KHz in this case) It is called carrier signal. When the tag is close to the RFID reader, the magnetic field powers the chip on the tag and then responds by tuning and tuning its own antenna. All of this is based on the principle of inductive coupling to learn more about his seewww. rfid-handbook. De/rfid/type_of_rfid. The Html5 KHz card uses Manchester encoding to send the data to the reader. Manchester coding basically takes the difference or between the bit and clock value that needs to be transmitted. So if the clock value is low (0) The value to be transmitted is 1, 0 XOR 1, that is, 1. This must be done for each clock cycle. For more information on Manchester coding, see. wikipedia. Org/wiki/manchester _ code. You can download the following code, or you can download it here: www. scribd. Com/doc/30215336/RFID-Faker- The code sends the serial number of the label using a rather simple protocol. It starts with sending 9, then sending 10 groups of 4 bits, and then sending a parity bit ( It even uses parity) Then send the \"column\" parity bit ( Even the parity of the previous walk) Finally, it sends a 0 stop bit, so an example is as follows :(start bits)111111111( 10 lines of data- Card serial number)( The first 4 bits are data, and the last 4 bits are even parity bits) 11110101001000111000100101110111110000000001101010 ( Then send the column parity bit, even the parity of the above Row)1101( Last 0 stop position) For more details about the thisImage provided by the Flickr user atwww, see the pdf in the first link in the reference section. flickr. Com/photos/kurtisscaletta/2473469841/and use under creative sharing license. You need to make a coil of about 150 to 162 ( Different sources say it should be a different value). To determine how much wind to do, you can use an induction calculator like here. crystalradio. Net/cal/indcal2. shtml. I used the green wire shaft on a set of wires in the Radio Shack and wound around the toilet paper roll about 133 times ( I did this by using the calculator and some trial and error, I didn\'t tune the device). You may want to leave a little extra wire in case you need to wrap a few more wires around to adjust the antenna. When you have the coil, you can connect it to your circuit. The schematic diagram is very simple. Simply connect pin 9 on Arudino to a resistor of 10 k ohms and then to the bottom of the transistor. Next, you can place the capacitor between the collector of the transistor and the emitter. The transmitter also needs to be connected to the ground. Next, connect the coil to the transmitter and collector of the transistor. Arduino now needs to tune and detune the antenna. The antenna is tuned when pin 9 is low ( Signal \"high). When the pin is high, it sends power to the base of the transistor. This reduces the resistance between the ends of the coil, which \"debuts\" the antenna. We just need to send the data to the reader in the right order. The code generates a label ID of 10-in-F. If that\'s what you get in the reader, then you know it works. To test the circuit, keep the antenna in the reader ( Continue, touch it to the reader on the first Test) , If everything is OK, you should see the tag ID you want to see. If not ( You are sure that the sketch is uploaded correctly and the circuit is connected correctly) Start adding and removing the wind from the coil and retest it. Should be somewhere on 120. The green Radio shed wire I used is 140 m wide. Once it works in a very short range ( Moving readers) You can fiddle with some more coils to better tune the antenna and you should be able to get a range of a few inches. First of all, I raise a real tag to the reader and you will see on the screen behind it that the tag ID is read and displayed on the screen behind it. Next I lift my coil up and the reader sees it as a label and reads the serial number from above. There are indeed some shortcomings in this project, which is worth mentioning. First of all, since the RFID Simulator is running on its own clock rather than using a clock from a magnetic field, the reader is not every serial ID broadcast received by the broadcaster. It\'s not a big deal, because in my experience they match close enough every second or two. If you want to modify it so that it can mark the ID violently, it may be more important to broadcast each tag ID correctly. The second problem is the shape of the antenna. Although it should be easy to modify this by simply folding the coil. At this point, although you need to do more with different calculators A horizontal coil to find out how to wrap it around. The last is scope. By experimenting with coil wind and capacitors, you should be able to get a range of a few inches. A larger range may require some type of amplification coil. The image of this step is from www. flickr. Com/photo/exfordy/123900378/used under creative share license. In a similar project, it was good to discuss how it worked and to develop a plan accordingly. Cz/project/rfid. Similar projects, including C code. Alexander Gusmande/en/emulator. The HtmlAn RFID tag is just a small microchip controller and a resident Micah. navi. Cx/2008/09/use-an-avr-as-an-rfid- The tag/similar project is also a readerwww. cq. cx/prox. PlSchool project, cool idea, missed some detailsdennislambing. com/senior-design-