With so many items being shipped to a customer's doorsteps it has become mandatory for the companies, large and small alike, to provide some kind of authentication regarding their products and ensure that the delivered product has not been tampered with in any manner or switched with a fake one.
Here comes the use of labels and stickers. Made from advanced technology and hard to duplicate the hologram stickers have found a niche in many industries, from pharmaceuticals to electronics. They are generally used to label high quality items and also used by big enterprises. The 3D holographic also induces a special appearance with its shine and vibrancy. The major reason for the security this offers is because it cannot be copied easily and cannot be transferred and stuck on to a fake product.
Some of the renowned hologram manufacturers like Lasersec India provides a lot of option in securing your product, for instance they have holographic aluminum foils, hot stamp foil, holographic barcode labels, tamper proof holograms, 2D / 3D stickers etc.
What is a custom hologram sticker?
The embedding of the graphics and the image together in the image is the custom hologram. A custom hologram sticker is the best of all holographic protection against counterfeiting. Most of the custom hologram stickers like the ones made by Lasersec India are tamper evident which means that deteriorate when removed. If you want added security and do not want any other firms copying your design then you can register your design with the IHMA or the International Hologram Manufacturer's Association, this would ensure that no expert hologram manufacturer will use or make your hologram. Apart from the security aspect the hologram is appeasing to the eyes and enhances the image of your product; this is a fact backed by consumer research and marketing statistics.
Custom hologram images are available for high security as well as for cheap packaging needs. The most preferred print option is the dot matrix which the most versatile of all other hologram varieties due to its shine under all lighting conditions and it also has a viewing angle that is wider than most options and can be seen clearly. With custom hologram stickers you have the option to print your company logo or name of the product's serial number as per your choosing.