The pioneer manufacturers of lamination film in China.


by:Top-In     2020-08-02
GUTISJUNE 1986 this is a digital version of an article from The Times Print Archive, before it begins online publishing in 1996.
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In addition to the toothpaste pump and a few other eyebrows --
Over the past few years, the innovation of consumer packaging has traditionally come from cosmetics companies, upgrading packaging to supermarket shelves.
Long ago, they recognized the unusual mascara.
In the absence of a new product formula, the tube through lipstick and other new packaging can increase market share.
\"They have been leading the dance for years,\" said Benjamin miares, executive editor of Food and Drug Packaging News . \".
Food companies are hesitant to participate in innovative packaging.
\"But now, with more and more new Food and Brand extensions coming out every month --
There are nearly 263 people in May alone.
Competition for the attention of shoppers is increasingly fierce.
Major food companies are looking for new packaging to catch the eye of consumers.
They have recognized the importance of color as a lure and insect repellent.
They found that consumers prefer products packaged for convenience.
So much so that they will pay more for them.
Heinz, for example, pays more than 12% for plastic squeeze bottles of tomato sauce and mats customers for more than 35%
Apple sauce single bag
More than the same number of ounces in bulk containers.
Advertising plastic, as a food packaging material, has now really become its own product for a limited number of years of use.
But contrary to what is widely believed, plastic packaging is expensive.
They are usually made by layering different types of plastic, which is an expensive process.
Many of the high engineering plastics used as raw materials are also very expensive.
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But consumers and the Food and Drug Administration believe that plastic can be used in food packaging, which is a major breakthrough.
\"We assume that something in plastic will always penetrate into food,\" said George H . \"
Pauli is a consumer safety officer at F. D. A.
But he accelerated adding that every plastic in the market had been \"worse tested\"Circumstances of the case.
\"Plastics are developing at a much slower pace in the liquor industry.
After 1973 of the panic, many liquor companies are reluctant to use plastic because some plastic bottles filter a suspected carcinogenic substance into alcohol.
However, the liquor company did not give up completely.
Most people use plastic bottles in some airline miniatures, as well as some giant bottles in restaurants.
Some people use this material more. As Steven J.
Pickman, executive at McCormick distillation, said: \"We have soda, butter and other plastic products. why not drink white wine?
\"A version of this article appears on page 3003015 of the national edition of June 8, 1986, with the title: What is new in food packaging.
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