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why dry dog food is bad for dogs

by:Top-In     2020-08-09
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Dry dog food is a very successful product in recent years, although it is actually the first time the pet food industry has been brought to market in the 1930 s.
Sales today are up 85% from 10 years ago.
But, according to some veterinarians, pet food analysts, nutrition experts and enlightened pet owners, although it is significantly more convenient and cost-effective than other artificial pet foods, it is still a controversial dog
I will be blunt at first . . . . . . I believe that when dry food is seen as the only major source of nutrition in a dog\'s life, it is dangerous for the health of the dog.
My point is for a reason and I will explain it as fully as possible in this article.
Now, I would like to ask you to remember that dry dog food is almost entirely designed for the benefit of humanity, not for the benefit of dogs, because it is more convenient than home --
Cooked or high quality canned pet food, in contrast, it is usually cheaper.
The nutritional value is usually poor and, to say the least, often contains questionable ingredients in the package.
These are just some of the physical features of this product.
Combining these with the psychological torture of eating something like a dry cheese cookie for the rest of your life, some bosses may feel guilty and reconsider how sympathetic they are to their best friends-although in most cases, they don\'t have insight and are mainly advertised with emotional, incomplete facts
The pet food industry promotes dry dog food and shows happy, healthy and enthusiastic dogs to enjoy their meal time.
The owner bought the products because they saw the ingredients packed in the title and imagined the food was full of plump fresh chicken and a selection of beef.
Once told that a lot of dry food is just a reorganization of slaughterhouse internal organs that are sometimes considered unsuitable for human consumption, piled up with grains that most veterinarians think are not suitable for canine digestive systems, and they may consider it again.
Waste often contained in dry dog food made in some countries includes intestines, hoofs, heads and breasts, which are not entirely mouth
Watering food displayed on the package.
Owners can also imagine that higher-priced dry dog food varieties may contain better-quality food, but this is not necessarily the case. In the U. S.
The pet food industry has annual sales of about $16 billion, of which only 8 manufacturers account for 85% of sales.
So while the bag may look different-the content may be quite different no matter who is selling it.
The manufacturing process destroys some of the nutritional value of these products.
In 2011, the study conducted by the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands concluded that heating pet food to 200 degrees during drying would reduce the essential amino acids and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Although these only reduce the level of nutrition, this process will also increase the concentration of fatty acids, which in turn will lead to small-
Through a transformation called lipid oxidation, food is contaminated with toxic compounds.
The extrusion method used to make about 95% kilograms of dry pet food means that the ingredients need to be heated to a higher temperature of 400 degrees.
Unfortunately, this process causes vitamin loss and certain types of protein degeneration, which is harder to digest once the healthy protein content in meat and poultry becomes difficult to digest.
Some dogs directly cause food allergies because the immune system does not recognize this altered protein and works on it as if it were a foreign body.
Pet food analysts say the nutritional value of dry food is about third lower than that of good quality canned food.
The loss of nutritional value is entirely due to the drying and manufacturing process (
Depending on how much real meat is in the mixture before drying).
To make up for this, some manufacturers have added other chemicals, vitamins and ingredients-but these additives not only improve the quality, they can also aggravate the damage of dry food to dogs with chronic diseases and allergies.
One of the worst features of many dry dog foods is the surprisingly high corn content.
Pet food manufacturers have made exaggerated and unqualified claims for the value of corn.
In fact, it sometimes accounts for 70% of the entire product.
And there is almost no nutritional value.
In fact, this is nothing more than an expansion agent that makes it seem like the owners are getting more for their money.
In terms of dog food composition, it is best to advise the owner to find foods with high meat content.
Meat contains a range of other good nutrients such as essential protein and fat. Corn is fat-free.
It is a carbohydrate.
Carbohydrates give little energy to dogs, while fat is supplied about three times as much in each part.
Perhaps more importantly, when moldy corn is harvested with healthy corn, some of them can go into the dog food processing system.
Moldy corn can produce toxins in the liver, which can lead to serious diseases such as liver failure.
The owner may consider that there are adequate safeguards to prevent this from happening, but on 2012,
Dry Summer leads to moldy corn entering the dog food manufacturing process.
Pollution leads to the production of the metabolism of huangqu.
Alfatoxins is one of the most dangerous poison known to cause acute fatal cancer and a fatal disease in the liver.
People have recalled dry food, but there is no doubt that some dry food has been accepted by consumers.
Dr. Becker of healthy petCom suggestion :\'. . .
I suggest you transfer your pet from all the dry food.
Replace it with high-quality canned food, commercial prepared raw food, dehydrated raw food, balanced home cooking or combination.
If you would like to continue to provide dry food to your dog, I suggest that you study the ingredients carefully and avoid products that contain any form of corn, including corn flour, whole grain corn, corn flour, etc.
Not only is corn highly susceptible to the contamination of the yellow element, but it is also allergic and digestible for most pets.
When one of my dogs called BB died prematurely due to kidney failure, I knew very little about the situation.
It was at that time that I decided to fully study the issue and wanted to prevent the same from happening with other pet dogs that shared my life.
Some of the information I got was totally shocking-including aspects directly related to dry dog food.
Credit: Tony bosican pet food manufacturers always ask the owner to make sure their best friends have plenty of fresh drinking water for good reason.
Canned dog food has about 80% of water, and there is no dry food at all.
Not all dogs are good or drink water regularly, so those who eat canned foods tend to get most of the water intake they need from their daily diet.
Dogs who eat dry food must drink water alone, because not everyone will do so and many people will be dehydrated.
Many believe that some dogs fed only on dry food are dehydrated for most of their lives for a long time-leading to higher rates of early onset and fatal kidney failure than expected.
There is a problem getting enough scientific and authorized research on this issue, in part because the pet food industry itself has done most of the research in this area . . . . . . They are unlikely to publish unwanted facts about the products they sell.
The vet is not completely reliable either because (
Ripley\'s Believe it or not)
Pet food manufacturers fund their training at some universities.
Dog nutrition lectures for veterinary and veterinary nurses by some veterinary schools are also paid by pet food companies-in some cases taught by pet food companies, this means that the industry is telling people who should know all the facts, just what the industry wants them to know, not what else.
It comes down to simple common sense.
Chronic dehydration can lead to a variety of urinary system problems, including kidney failure. This is a well-
For the record, long.
The facts are established, scientific.
Dogs fed with dry dog food are their main source of nutrition, and they must take enough water every day to keep the necessary discharge of toxins and keep enough water.
Those who don\'t do this will be dehydrated-the longer their diet consists of dry food, the more dehydrated they will be.
Credit: dog food processed by Tony BoothAll has a detrimental effect on canine organs to some extent, but I believe that dry dog food will increase the long-term impact
The kidneys are particularly stressed for a long time.
This is because dry food is millions of miles away from anything a dog will naturally eat, and it often has something a dog should not eat.
There are many reasons for kidney disease, especially in older dogs-like humans, there are things that will eventually fail-but the food we provide will definitely affect the health and longevity of our dogs.
What impressed me was that one of the main roles of a good host was to provide the best diet they could offer, not the main convenient diet, cheap and potentially harmful to their family pets.
Dogs need a certain amount of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and protein to maintain a healthy personality.
During the production of dry grain, some of the elements that naturally exist are partially destroyed, so they need to be put back into production to bring the product to a satisfactory level of nutrition.
Unfortunately, the manufacturer has also mixed seasoning, pigments and other artificial additives to make the final
Products that are attractive to dogs and owners who buy it.
It is these additives that make dry food controversial and sometimes completely harmful to our pets.
One of the main advantages of dry dog food compared to fresh products is the length of time the owner can store it for use. The shelf-
Longer life, but this is only due to the removal of moisture and the preservation of ingredients.
Manufacturers use natural preservatives such as resistanceoxidant (
More common on the packaging is called vitamin C or E, or as a form of ascor acid or hydrophenol)
These are generally considered safe.
However, some products contain artificial preservatives-they pose a toxic risk when used for a long time
The terminology of feeding dogs.
One example of this is the B-oxygen quin, which is being investigated by the US Food and Drug Administration. S.
Possible causes of some liver and blood problems.
Perhaps this is not surprising, as oxybenzene is also used as a pesticide and hardening agent in the manufacture of artificial rubber.
Other artificial preservatives that need attention are Ding-Ji isole ether (BHA)
Toluene with Ding benzene (BHT)
Who Named It potential cancer
Causing compounds
If you find that these ingredients are listed under the dry food ingredients you feed your dog regularly, you should conduct further research to learn more about the risks.
Determine that some canine nutritionists think the problem with toxic additives is huge, because the pet food additives allowed by EC include about 4,000 different chemicals, and some different nutritionists suggest that for dogs, at best, it is only considered safe in dispute.
We all know how confusing it is to read and evaluate the safety of the ingredient list on the product label, especially when it has a large number of E numbers.
The first task is to spend hours, sometimes even weeks, trying to figure out exactly what the number of E represents, and then screen out hundreds of pages of scientific terms
An attempt was made to find out whether this particular chemical is a regular filling Journal.
Finally, many of us just rely on food safety laws and pet manufacturers to do the work on our behalf. We assume (
Quite reasonable)
They will not try to sell products that may harm us or our pets.
Within the scope of the law, we may all turn a blind eye to the fact that pet food manufacturers do everything they can to escape (
Occasionally on the edge of it)
So they can make bigger, easier and faster profits.
In addition to appeasing human dog owners, there is no reason to add pigments to a product specifically designed for dogs.
Dogs are color-blind to a large extent, so the green and red rainbow blends that are often seen in dry food are just to help us humans think they represent meat and vegetables.
While many of the pigments used are natural ingredients, this is only to show how manufacturers will attract and deceive owners into buying their products.
Mars is the largest manufacturer of dog food in the UK (
European Monitoring Report 2012)
A 29% share of the 0. 451 billion-pound sales market-up 6% from the previous year, mainly through its pedigree and the Caesar brand.
The original beef flavor is one of their dry dog foods, usually containing more than 30 different ingredients on wheat and corn, such as pigments, preservatives, vitamins and salt, meat and bone powder.
Putting this dog food from a manufacturer under a microscope, we found that there are too many additives . . . . . . Most of these are good, but some are not very good.
It includes some dangerous things I have mentioned, like animal fat saved with BHA/BHT, but it also has more corn than meat to fill the volume so it is cheaper to produce
Corn is not good for dogs, especially when it is used to replace tissues from animal sources (meat)
In an ordinary food.
Still, this is probably one of the best dry food available on the market-which, in contrast, will only make it worse for others.
The E number is a hidden additive used to enhance, color, flavor and preserve the product.
The best way to figure out the number of E is to Google \"artificial additive E *\" and insert the correct number in the space.
Check your regular dog food label now to see what happens . . . . . . I think it will surprise you and bother you.
Another popular brand is the Baker completed by Nestle Purina, which scored 0 points.
5 out of every 5 foods. co.
Although it is known as Britain\'s most popular dry dog food.
Its low score is due to its low meat content, artificial additives, unclear labels and
Products and derivatives.
Analyst commenters said to the product: \"The list of ingredients we recommend to avoid using looks like a\" Who is Who \".
Expansion of the stomach and volvulus (GDV)
GDV is a common fatal disease, and the stomach becomes bloated due to gas, liquid and ingesta.
This is an emergency and dogs that are not treated for super fast time can deteriorate rapidly.
The stomach is swollen because both ends of the stomach are blocked.
The expansion of the stomach will eventually affect the flow of blood, and once it affects the heart, the flow of blood throughout the body will be limited.
In the condition of low blood volume shock and other problems, the survival of the dog is in extreme danger.
According to the vet, Jason Nicholas (
Crime Prevention. com)
, Feeding dry food only to dogs is one of the many risk factors that collective or individual feeding may contribute to the GDV.
USAIn\'s class action, Morgan and Morgan\'s lawyers (
National expert in large-scale infringement litigation)
A class action has been filed against Purina on behalf of the dog owner whose pet is sick after being fed Purina\'s beneficial dry dog food.
At the time of writing this report, the lawsuit is in progress, however, it is reported that some of the 3,000 dog owners complained that their dogs were sick after eating the product, kidney disease in dogs is one of them.
According to the lawsuit, some Purina harmful pet foods containing toxic and harmful ingredients for dogs.
The allegations include that the composition of the product contains ethylene glycol, which is-freeze.
It is also alleged to contain dangerous levels of mycotoxins, which the plaintiff claimed were found during the testing of Purina benefy Original.
Manufacturer (Nestle)
Despite thousands of consumer complaints, no recall has been made of the affected products.
The American Veterinary Association (AVMA)
Lists nearly 400 different dog food products that have been recalled due to potential salmonella and toxin contamination or the discovery of antibiotic residues and foreign bodies and various other problems, in the past 12 months2012-2013).
Therefore, it is no surprise that people are increasingly questioning the quality of dog food.
The bloodline of dry dog food is worse compared to frozen and canned varieties, because the producers first consider the convenience of the owner and the market sales potential, rather than giving priority to the health of the dog.
The manufacturing process partially destroys natural substances that may have existed in organic substances, in addition to the inevitable chronic dehydration of some dogs and the subsequent risk of kidney failure, artificial additives can also cause problematic health problems.
There are other options.
High quality canned dog food is convenient for those who live a busy life-to-store pre-
Even if these products are not ideal, they will still be affected by bad and unhealthy additives.
Maybe the best food for our pets is home cooking, every ingredient has a source, check and you know, is the person who put it together.
If this is what you want to pursue further, there are a lot of resources, websites, books and companies that can help you understand the subject better.
Dogs are our loyal and lovely friends and companions.
In some cases, they are our only family.
They deserve our best to keep them happy and healthy . . . . . . So throw away the cabinets full of food and start feeding them some less risky, better quality food today.
Canned solid gold green beef belly dog food price: $32. 99 Buy Now(
Prices as of October 13, 2015)
I am an advocate of green tripe.
The human master may hate its taste.
But I haven\'t found a dog that absolutely doesn\'t like it yet. . .
It is also safe and nutritious.
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