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digital filmmaking versus traditional filmmaking: filmmaking comparison and contrast

by:Top-In     2019-12-31
Since the history of film production, the relationship between digital film production and traditional film production has been the focus of debate.
However, digital filmmaking has proven to be a more effective, lasting, high-quality and efficient approach, and many filmmakers have moved from traditional filmmaking to that.
Compared to traditional film production using movies, digital film production involves the use of digital capture in film production.
Digital capture can be stored on media such as flash memory, hard disk, and tape.
Now, many Hollywood films are either completely digital or partially Digital.
Digital film production has many advantages, making the debate between digital film production and traditional film production more intense --
Standing aside as the years pass.
First, digital movies can last longer than movies.
Digital movies will never be scratched like ordinary movies.
Again, digital movies will never wear out even after long use, which is not the case of a regular movie, usually damaged every show.
Similarly, digital films are easier to show than films, and films require more labor and resources in the preparation, demolition and return of cinemas.
Digital movies can be shown using basic computers, operating like a standard VCR.
The debate between digital film production and traditional film production has become more intense.
It is one-sided when considering the problem of copying.
Specifically, digital movies can be easily erased after the cinema screening, completely eliminating the need to destroy the print of the movie.
This means that unlike traditional films, digital films are unlikely to be copied or copied illegally
Based on the movie, it is easy to fall into unauthorized hands and then copy it for illegal distribution.
With digital cinema, movie Publishers can also modify content flexibly.
Film studios can make changes or replacements after a movie is released, as digital films use projectors that are usually smaller in size than movie projectors.
In addition, with the advent of hard drives and data networks, it is easier to store and playback digital films compared to traditional films, which have been kept on heavy and very fragile films.
The cost of film production is also quite expensive.
Film publishers tend to be at a disadvantage in determining the number of prints they are releasing.
Making a few photos, for example, may mean that there is not enough screen to show the required movie.
On the other hand, printing too many film prints can be a waste of time, especially for movies that are not entirely large.
The studio also eliminated a lot of overhead costs by choosing digital film production.
It is estimated that $2,000 is saved for each film printing.
This figure is equivalent to 10% of the total production budget of a movie.
According to the above figures, a typical film released nationwide in the United States is released in about 3,000 theaters, and the printing cost may be around $7. 5 million.
So the studio is turning to digital film production in order to save costs.
Learn more by understanding the five stages of film production.
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