Floating junkyard: plastic pollution is turning parts of the ocean into a deadly dump.
Back in 1997, when Charles Moore returned home after a sailing race, he was in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
\"I am as far away from civilization as I can,\" he said . \".
So he was surprised by the sight around his boat.
\"I will stay on the deck day after day for a week and see some plastic floating in the water,\" he said . \".
\"Not getting rid of it. \"[
Slightly] Illustrations
Moore sailed to a rotating water flow area called Gyre in the North Pacific Ocean.
Most of the garbage is trapped in this huge whirlpool. like region(
See nuts and bolts17).
There are about 3 \"Pacific garbage belts\" now.
Waste 5 million tons.
Most of the garbage in the garbage strip is made of plastic, most of which have been broken down into less than 1mm pieces (. 04inches)wide.
\"The most common thing is plastic film in packaging and plastic bags,\" Moore said . \".
Drifting plastic can cause devastating damage to marine life.
Scientists estimate that plastic debris kills 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine animals such as dolphins and turtles every year.
After returning from the voyage, Moore established the Marine Pollution Research Foundation.
Scientists from the organization and other agencies are learning more about the dangers of this marine dump.
Deadly garbage in the ocean, such as broken fishing lines and nets, has been dumped from ships at sea.
But about 80% of the debris comes from land.
Both the river and the overflowing rainwater drainage system and the sewage system transport the garbage to the ocean.
Plastic accounts for 80% of marine waste.
\"You see caps, toothbrushes and fast food --
\"The fork,\" Moore said.
It takes a long time for the biodegradable plastic.
The natural process will eventually destroy the material, but the plastic will drift for hundreds of years.
Large pieces of floating plastic can kill marine animals by wrapping them around.
But the bigger problem, scientists say, is that animals and seabirds like albatross take in the wreckage.
They may be mistaken [the plastic]
For food, or it may have food attached to it.
She is a biologist and environmental toxicologist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, studying the effects of substances accumulated in animals.
The ingested plastic fragments can kill the animal by piercing the animal\'s digestive tract.
This is especially dangerous for albatross\'s young birds.
Albatross\'s parents take food from the ocean and spit it out for their chicks on land.
Any plastic picked up by the parents will also be returned.
Finkelstein studies albatross young birds on Midway Island in the North Pacific.
\"Every chick we see has plastic in the stomach,\" said Finkelstein . \".
\"I even pulled out my toothbrush from the chicken trying to throw it.
\"Toxic waste scientists now find that the plastic intake also poses another threat.
\"Plastic can penetrate toxic chemicals into animals,\" said Finkelstein . \".
Manufacturers add many different plasticizer to plastic products.
These chemicals give plastic properties such as flexibility, transparency, or durability.
But some chemicals, such as O-benzene Ester and diphenol (BPA)
Showing signs of harm to organisms
For example, BPA can destroy the normal function of the animal hormone system and affect its reproductive capacity. [
Slightly] Illustrations[
Slightly] Illustrations
In addition, plastics can extract toxins, such as pesticides, from water.
\"Plastic sponges are used for chemical pollution,\" Moore said . \"
Scientists at the algarita Foundation are working on the fish around the land to determine whether chemicals in plastic can penetrate into the fish.
\"We found a finger-sized Rainbow runner with 84 small pieces of plastic in his stomach,\" Moore said . \".
Cutting off the source scientists are looking for ways to clean up the garbage patch.
Because most of the plastic is small, it is almost impossible to remove it from the water without damaging the marine life.
Instead, they are looking for a land solution.
The first step is to remove the garbage from the coast. Zach Gold, a16-year-
Old people from Santa Monica, California do their part by cleaning up the beaches and rivers around Los Angeles County. \"You couldn\'t[walk]
\"On the beach, more than 20 feet people don\'t see a piece of foam plastic or acigarette ass,\" he said . \".
Moore said the biggest challenge to reduce plastic waste is to reduce use and increase recycling.
At 2008, only 6.
8% of plastics produced in the United States are recycled.
\"We have to provide better infrastructure for recycled plastics,\" Moore said . \". In the U. S.
Throw away 63 pounds of plastic packaging individuals each year. \"I [also]
I would recommend stopping single use
\"Plastic, such as plastic bottles, is used in grocery stores, especially plastic bags,\" said Gold.
\"These items are used for up to an hour and they can be used in the environment for hundreds of years.
\"The NUT and the North Pacific Gyre of Bolt are regions of the Pacific Ocean that rotate the flow of water.
Floating sea debris is sucked in by a large ocean stream that rotates clockwise between Japan and the U. S. coast.
The smaller rotational current concentrates the waste into the area now known as the garbage belt.
Although Gyre in the North Pacific is the most famous ocean dump, there are four similar gyres in the world\'s oceans.
All of this is a hot spot for garbage. [
Slightly] Illustrations
In the Pacific Ocean between Japan and the United States, millions of tons of garbage are caught.
Most of the floating garbage comes from about 200 billion pounds of plastic that people use every year, of which about 10% eventually fall into the ocean.
Most of the rubbish comes from the land, brought by sewage systems and rivers.
Tests are like fishing gear, ships from the sea.
Because a plastic bottle takes 500 to break down, it can rotate in garbagepatch for a long time. [
Slightly] IllustrationsLESSON PLAN[
Slightly] Illustrations
Physics: plastic floating garbage
READIN6 tip: * What do you think will happen with the eventual increase in garbage and debris, river and rain discharge?
* How long does plastic biodegradable take?
* What is the North Pacific Gyre? DID YOU KNOW?
* Nurdle is the term used to describe small pieces of plastic.
Manufacturing particles for the manufacture of plastic products and small broken particles
Plastic fragments known as nurdles make up most of the plastic fragments.
* California alone has 165,000 tons of polystyrene for food packaging every year.
There is no option for recycling this material, which is a plastic that takes an unknown amount of time to be biodegradable.
Foam plastic will last hundreds of years and can float in the ocean for hundreds of miles in its lifetime.
* Plastic already exists around 150.
Alexander Parks introduced plastics to the world at the 1862 London international fair.
Critical Thinking: * scientists estimate that 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine animals are killed by plastic debris each year.
Do you think that if people know these statistics, they will reduce the use of plastics and increase the amount of recycling? Why or why not?
What can you do to raise awareness about how plastics can harm marine life? PROJECT-
Based on learning: Geography: as you learned in the article nuts and bolts, although the North Pacific Gyre is the most famous \"garbagepatch\", there are still around the world
Study the flow of water that produces each vortex.
Then recreate themap on page 17, adding the name of the ocean stream responsible for each gyre.
This is a great place to start your research:/background/wind-driven-surface. htm.
You can access these Web links at www. scholastic.
Com/world of science.
* Find everything you want to know about Gyre in the North Pacific on the National Ocean and Atmospheric agency smarine debris website: * Check out this interactive website called 5 Gyres, the site summarizes all the problems with plastic marine litter and what people do to solve the problem: www. 5gyres. org.
* Download a lesson plan about ocean debris from the marine microbiology Marine Center at: u/education/teacher/science _ kit/Ocean _ debris _ kit. htm.
Direction: circle the incorrect words or phrases in the following sentence and write the correct words or phrases below. 1.
The vast majority of the garbage in Gyre in the North Pacific is plastic, and most of the garbage is 1 feet wide. 2.
Plastic biodegradable is very fast, so it will drift in the ocean in less than a year. 3.
The plasticizer can make the plastic products elastic, transparent and biodegradable. 4.
Chemicals in plastics, such as BPA, can disrupt the normal function of the animal\'s circulation system and affect its reproductive capacity. 1.
1 feet/less than 1mm 2.
Fast/slow, less than a year/Last Century 3.
Degradation capacity.
\"I am as far away from civilization as I can,\" he said . \".
So he was surprised by the sight around his boat.
\"I will stay on the deck day after day for a week and see some plastic floating in the water,\" he said . \".
\"Not getting rid of it. \"[
Slightly] Illustrations
Moore sailed to a rotating water flow area called Gyre in the North Pacific Ocean.
Most of the garbage is trapped in this huge whirlpool. like region(
See nuts and bolts17).
There are about 3 \"Pacific garbage belts\" now.
Waste 5 million tons.
Most of the garbage in the garbage strip is made of plastic, most of which have been broken down into less than 1mm pieces (. 04inches)wide.
\"The most common thing is plastic film in packaging and plastic bags,\" Moore said . \".
Drifting plastic can cause devastating damage to marine life.
Scientists estimate that plastic debris kills 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine animals such as dolphins and turtles every year.
After returning from the voyage, Moore established the Marine Pollution Research Foundation.
Scientists from the organization and other agencies are learning more about the dangers of this marine dump.
Deadly garbage in the ocean, such as broken fishing lines and nets, has been dumped from ships at sea.
But about 80% of the debris comes from land.
Both the river and the overflowing rainwater drainage system and the sewage system transport the garbage to the ocean.
Plastic accounts for 80% of marine waste.
\"You see caps, toothbrushes and fast food --
\"The fork,\" Moore said.
It takes a long time for the biodegradable plastic.
The natural process will eventually destroy the material, but the plastic will drift for hundreds of years.
Large pieces of floating plastic can kill marine animals by wrapping them around.
But the bigger problem, scientists say, is that animals and seabirds like albatross take in the wreckage.
They may be mistaken [the plastic]
For food, or it may have food attached to it.
She is a biologist and environmental toxicologist at the University of California, Santa Cruz, studying the effects of substances accumulated in animals.
The ingested plastic fragments can kill the animal by piercing the animal\'s digestive tract.
This is especially dangerous for albatross\'s young birds.
Albatross\'s parents take food from the ocean and spit it out for their chicks on land.
Any plastic picked up by the parents will also be returned.
Finkelstein studies albatross young birds on Midway Island in the North Pacific.
\"Every chick we see has plastic in the stomach,\" said Finkelstein . \".
\"I even pulled out my toothbrush from the chicken trying to throw it.
\"Toxic waste scientists now find that the plastic intake also poses another threat.
\"Plastic can penetrate toxic chemicals into animals,\" said Finkelstein . \".
Manufacturers add many different plasticizer to plastic products.
These chemicals give plastic properties such as flexibility, transparency, or durability.
But some chemicals, such as O-benzene Ester and diphenol (BPA)
Showing signs of harm to organisms
For example, BPA can destroy the normal function of the animal hormone system and affect its reproductive capacity. [
Slightly] Illustrations[
Slightly] Illustrations
In addition, plastics can extract toxins, such as pesticides, from water.
\"Plastic sponges are used for chemical pollution,\" Moore said . \"
Scientists at the algarita Foundation are working on the fish around the land to determine whether chemicals in plastic can penetrate into the fish.
\"We found a finger-sized Rainbow runner with 84 small pieces of plastic in his stomach,\" Moore said . \".
Cutting off the source scientists are looking for ways to clean up the garbage patch.
Because most of the plastic is small, it is almost impossible to remove it from the water without damaging the marine life.
Instead, they are looking for a land solution.
The first step is to remove the garbage from the coast. Zach Gold, a16-year-
Old people from Santa Monica, California do their part by cleaning up the beaches and rivers around Los Angeles County. \"You couldn\'t[walk]
\"On the beach, more than 20 feet people don\'t see a piece of foam plastic or acigarette ass,\" he said . \".
Moore said the biggest challenge to reduce plastic waste is to reduce use and increase recycling.
At 2008, only 6.
8% of plastics produced in the United States are recycled.
\"We have to provide better infrastructure for recycled plastics,\" Moore said . \". In the U. S.
Throw away 63 pounds of plastic packaging individuals each year. \"I [also]
I would recommend stopping single use
\"Plastic, such as plastic bottles, is used in grocery stores, especially plastic bags,\" said Gold.
\"These items are used for up to an hour and they can be used in the environment for hundreds of years.
\"The NUT and the North Pacific Gyre of Bolt are regions of the Pacific Ocean that rotate the flow of water.
Floating sea debris is sucked in by a large ocean stream that rotates clockwise between Japan and the U. S. coast.
The smaller rotational current concentrates the waste into the area now known as the garbage belt.
Although Gyre in the North Pacific is the most famous ocean dump, there are four similar gyres in the world\'s oceans.
All of this is a hot spot for garbage. [
Slightly] Illustrations
In the Pacific Ocean between Japan and the United States, millions of tons of garbage are caught.
Most of the floating garbage comes from about 200 billion pounds of plastic that people use every year, of which about 10% eventually fall into the ocean.
Most of the rubbish comes from the land, brought by sewage systems and rivers.
Tests are like fishing gear, ships from the sea.
Because a plastic bottle takes 500 to break down, it can rotate in garbagepatch for a long time. [
Slightly] IllustrationsLESSON PLAN[
Slightly] Illustrations
Physics: plastic floating garbage
READIN6 tip: * What do you think will happen with the eventual increase in garbage and debris, river and rain discharge?
* How long does plastic biodegradable take?
* What is the North Pacific Gyre? DID YOU KNOW?
* Nurdle is the term used to describe small pieces of plastic.
Manufacturing particles for the manufacture of plastic products and small broken particles
Plastic fragments known as nurdles make up most of the plastic fragments.
* California alone has 165,000 tons of polystyrene for food packaging every year.
There is no option for recycling this material, which is a plastic that takes an unknown amount of time to be biodegradable.
Foam plastic will last hundreds of years and can float in the ocean for hundreds of miles in its lifetime.
* Plastic already exists around 150.
Alexander Parks introduced plastics to the world at the 1862 London international fair.
Critical Thinking: * scientists estimate that 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine animals are killed by plastic debris each year.
Do you think that if people know these statistics, they will reduce the use of plastics and increase the amount of recycling? Why or why not?
What can you do to raise awareness about how plastics can harm marine life? PROJECT-
Based on learning: Geography: as you learned in the article nuts and bolts, although the North Pacific Gyre is the most famous \"garbagepatch\", there are still around the world
Study the flow of water that produces each vortex.
Then recreate themap on page 17, adding the name of the ocean stream responsible for each gyre.
This is a great place to start your research:/background/wind-driven-surface. htm.
You can access these Web links at www. scholastic.
Com/world of science.
* Find everything you want to know about Gyre in the North Pacific on the National Ocean and Atmospheric agency smarine debris website: * Check out this interactive website called 5 Gyres, the site summarizes all the problems with plastic marine litter and what people do to solve the problem: www. 5gyres. org.
* Download a lesson plan about ocean debris from the marine microbiology Marine Center at: u/education/teacher/science _ kit/Ocean _ debris _ kit. htm.
Direction: circle the incorrect words or phrases in the following sentence and write the correct words or phrases below. 1.
The vast majority of the garbage in Gyre in the North Pacific is plastic, and most of the garbage is 1 feet wide. 2.
Plastic biodegradable is very fast, so it will drift in the ocean in less than a year. 3.
The plasticizer can make the plastic products elastic, transparent and biodegradable. 4.
Chemicals in plastics, such as BPA, can disrupt the normal function of the animal\'s circulation system and affect its reproductive capacity. 1.
1 feet/less than 1mm 2.
Fast/slow, less than a year/Last Century 3.
Degradation capacity.
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