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from factory to ocean: how your bags contribute to the growth of the great pacific garbage patch

by:Top-In     2020-07-31
Every day, millions of rubbish are rushed into the ocean, from pieces of plastic bags to pieces of wood to wool jackets and other clothing.
The garbage is just not packed in daily plastic bags or lollipops that are put into the bin.
What people don\'t realize is that the shopping bags they accidentally discard will be swept down the road and into the sewer.
It will float into the river or ocean and add a lot of other garbage as it flows through the ocean.
In this article, we will follow the journey of plastic bags, from the factory to the ocean and elsewhere.
The journey begins with factories that pollute the choking air.
There, polyethylene plastic particles are melted into plastic sheets.
Workers cut plastic sheets with hot knives, the handles are shaped, the bags are packed and delivered to supermarkets around the world.
They open the packaging in the store, and when the customer is full of kiosks, the bag is full of groceries and piled up in the trolley.
On the way through the parking lot, a plastic bag escaped from the trolley and a gust of wind blew it onto the road.
No one bothered to stop potentially deadly plastic bags from tumbling on the road.
No one cares.
This is a common sight in downtown Gisborne.
It shuttles between cars, at busy intersections, and finally finds the way to the river.
The bag floats forward with the tide until it reaches the open ocean.
It travels through the water with the flow of the ocean.
It stretches north from the South Pacific through the equator.
A bottlenose dolphin swam directly into a plastic bag near the giant Pacific garbage belt and was caught around the nose.
It twisted violently to try to remove the bag, but the thin plastic blocked the dolphin\'s airway.
The dolphin is one of the lucky ones who survived and managed to escape.
The bag is floating on it and is now called micro plastic.
It quickly reached the huge Pacific garbage belt, connecting millions of pieces of plastic and other marine waste.
The rest of the bag will be here for the rest of your life, if not forever.
This is a neverending story.
When do we face reality?
* Plastic will never break down completely;
* Marine litter and plastics kill more than 1 million seabirds and more than 100,000 marine mammals each year;
* Plastic will only get smaller and easier for the oceanlife to ingest;
All plastics in the ocean will always exist;
If we don\'t stop using plastic bags, the ocean will be blocked by plastic.
At present, there is a large amount of plastic and garbage floating in the ocean, forming the \"island\" where the water flow meets \".
These are called gyres, five of them: Gyre in the Indian Ocean, Gyres in the North and South Pacific and Gyres in the North and South Atlantic.
The Great Pacific Garbage belt, also known as the North Pacific Gyre, is a huge ocean area filled with tiny plastic pieces that are invisible to the naked eye.
This is a kind of cloudy soup that has been polluted.
At Gisborne, there is evidence of a decrease in plastics in the community.
Local shops and multiple stalls at the farmer\'s market are packing products in paper and encourage customers to bring their own reusable shopping bags.
There are many ways you can help the environment and reduce the amount of plastic in the ocean: * Bring your own reusable shopping bags to the supermarket;
* Recycling or composting household waste as much as possible; * Say no to a person
Use plastic straws;
* Wrap in glass or cardboard instead of plastic.
I hope this article will inspire you to do your part in phasing out single people.
Use plastic bags.
The world will be better and cleaner without them.
What will you do?
* The story was published through a collaboration between keep New Zealand beautiful and the Herald owner NZME.
The partnership aims to promote the environment for young journalists (YRE)programme.
Denmark has set up an international programme --
The Environmental Education Foundation was established in 1994 and was founded in New Zealand last year by \"keeping New Zealand beautiful. The youth-
In more than 30 countries, more than 77,000 young journalists participated in the led program.
To enter the student, it is necessary to investigate environmental issues, study solutions, and then report using movies, photography, or writing.
The winners of the 2016 awards received prizes including the camera, the day of the Herald newsroom and the publication of their work on nzherald. co. nz.
Christine White, New Zealand\'s beauty education manager, said the 2017 awards will focus on garbage by adopting garbage-free Camaign.
New Zealand schools will be paired with schools from another country so that students can discuss their programs, talk about challenges, and share knowledge with foreign students.
\"Garbage is a great theme to start working with students on environmental issues.
It is visible and easy to see improvements.
As with the YRE project, the YRE garbage-free campaign is designed to find and report solutions through articles, photos and videos.
\"Keeping New Zealand beautiful is an expression of interest to those schools that want to learn more about YRE garbage-free sports.
The entries ended on July.
For more information, please visit: www. knzb. org. nz/yre.
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