LASIK surgery is one of the most popular eye surgery
There are many LASIK complications that can occur as a result of imperfect eye surgery. For the sake of answering general concerns, I will only be going over 3 commonly reported complications. These are:
1. Constant dry eye: This is, without a doubt, the most common complaint after LASIK surgery. As the laser is used to burn off corneal tissue, it also severs the corneal nerves that are needed to produce signals to the brain, which in turn allows for the healthy production of the tear film. You must keep in mind that everyone heals at a different rate, so having the this dry eye feeling for only a couple days is not a cause of concern (just yet).
However, if you are someone who is prone to dry eyes, then it is likely that you were given something by the doctor to ensure that your tear film was adequate enough such that LASIK could be performed on you. Or, the alternative was that you were turned down by the eye surgeon.
Dry eye syndrome can persist for up to 6 months to a year and those experiencing this extended duration of dry eyes should definitely see their doctor.
2. Eye infection or irritation: This LASIK complication is not common as many precautions are taken by the eye surgeon prior to the acutal surgery to prevent this from happening. However, if in the unlikely event that you do get an infection, you should go see your doctor immediately. Symptoms that you could experience are itching, pain, redness and loss of vision.
Even if you are one of the lucky ones to not receive an infection, you should still take steps to prevent it from occurring to you, as your eyes post surgery are weaker and more prone to such insults. Some things to keep in mind after LASIK surgery are:
3. Visual distortions: This usually manifests itself as starbursts, haloes, night glare and ghosting or double vision. This LASIK complication is probably the most complained about, in comparison to dry eye, which seems to be the most common complaint. Those who have excellent visual acuity after surgery find out that in real life, when they interact with different lighting conditions, or weather conditions such as the fog, they find out things such as starbursts, haloes, night glare and ghosting can significantly impair their vision.
Thankfully, most of these conditions generally occur at night and can be corrected with night glasses. Over time, as the cornea heals, it is expected that these conditions should eventually resolve themselves such that night glasses are no longer required.
These are just some of the common LASIK complications that patients experience and what to do to deal with such an event. If you are contemplating LASIK surgery, make sure you know these things because once you take that decisive step to going under the knife, there's no going back.
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