The pioneer manufacturers of lamination film in China.

News analysis

by:Top-In     2020-07-30
India: gutka plastic packaging banOne one of the most interesting developments in India recently was the temporary ban on the sale of gutka, ground tobacco and condiments packed in bags in last December, sucked by millions of Indians, it is known to cause cancer and other serious diseases (
India: People who advocate non-smoking industry fight back.
Control 2007; 16:165–6; Gupta PC.
Gutka: new major tobacco hazards in India.
Control 1999; 8:132).
Although the ban was made by the Supreme Court of India, the highly respected judge strongly condemned the government and society for not protecting young Indian people from the product, and most importantly probably not the ban itself --
Public health advocates in other countries have the most potential
But the reason for it.
This is a case brought under a law aimed at protecting the environment, not a child or a health.
Since March 2011, Gutka smoke-free tobacco has been banned for sale in India because its plastic packaging is harmful to the environment.
The case was filed in accordance with the state\'s plastic pipe processing and disposal rules of 2009.
Indian health advocates believe that colleagues around the world can help ambitious Indian tobacco companies to live in difficulties, and they are concerned about increased exports of gutka, such as exports to the population of South Asia in Europe.
In addition, they suggest that environmental protection laws in other countries may provide opportunities for similar actions, such as the pollution caused by the dumping of billions of tobacco packaging in landfill sites every year. oas_tag. loadAd(\"Middle1\");
Whatever the root of this decision is, the remarks of some of India\'s most senior judges provide an exciting copy of the news media.
A judge, Judge Ganguly, who heard the gutka manufacturer\'s claim that the ban would bring the whole industry to a standstill, said, \"Let it come.
\"He told the manufacturer to turn to Africa.
The same is true of plastic packaging even if prices rise.
\"Make gutka more expensive,\" he said . \"
\"The public will benefit.
He also concluded that the government \". . . Know about gutka addiction . . . . . . These are powerful lobby groups . . . . . . The government\'s lack of attention to public health has threatened young people today.
In some economically prosperous countries, young people have been damaged . . . . . . Those who are in power must stay alive on this issue.
Their duty is to ensure that young people have all the conditions to achieve their goals.
Where are the protests in the student community?
Where is idealism?
Even in Bangladesh, where student sports are active, there is silence.
\"It must be said that compared to just 20 years ago, India now actually has a lot of idealism about reducing tobacco-induced diseases, including among students.
Colleagues there are not only considering the next steps in the country, but also considering new actions in the fight against tobacco, how the whole world will benefit from the precedent of India.
Switzerland: the bad boys in Europe show no signs of reform.
Geographical location in the center of Europe, but not a member of the European Union (EU)
Its public health policy on tobacco is a rigid example of the industry itself. regulation.
This naive approach was once popular around the world, especially in tobacco companies, because it protected them from effective action.
People can see lazy or naive governments doing things without upsetting big businesses.
The system relies on a \"gentleman agreement\" between the tobacco industry and the government \".
The former undertakes to comply with codes of conduct covering areas such as promotion, labeling and toxicity, while the latter\'s reciprocal commitment is to refrain from further action in the agreed years.
In Britain in the 1980 s and 1970 s, it was arguably the worst absurdity.
Says tobacco companies always negotiate around the government in negotiations.
The regulatory agreement knows that they can easily bypass any new regulation that they \"submit\", just suggesting that it is invalid, inappropriate or even counter-
Producing such a system will be used in the past and in the future to manage an addictive product that will kill half of the life cycle users (
See N, Malone RE for a stroll.
If you lose, they win.
No. 2006 public health; 96:2048–54).
The promotion of multiple types of tobacco is still common in Switzerland.
At the federal level, regular tobacco advertising is banned only on television.
And in some states (
26 states that make up the Swiss Federation)
Outdoor Billboard tobacco ads are banned and are still allowed in other ads as it is-nationwide—
In print media, movie theater, parking lot and Internet.
The most notorious, however, is tobacco-sponsored sports and music events, which are still allowed and provide an easy way to get around the ban on TV advertising, just like the Davidov Swiss indoor tennis tournament, terminated only because of external and not state restrictions (
See Switzerland: health beat Davidov.
Control 2010; 19:5–6).
In addition, there are about 17 thousand automatic cigarette machines in the country, which have been steadily transformed into advertising in recent years.
Point-of-sale advertising is also unregulated, and animated cigarette ads displayed on large screens are now common in shops and car gas stations that sell tobacco.
There are several highlights, such as graphic health warnings, covering 55 on the back of the cigarette pack;
There is a special \"health tax\" for each pack of cigarettes, generating 15 million Swiss francs (US$15. 5 million)
Tobacco control;
And some creative health promotion: the federal Office of Public Health recently launched a high
Spend the whole country promoting an imaginary poisonFree cigarettes (
Imitating the advertisement of Kent cigarettes), the ‘smoke-
Free cigarettes showing an empty cigarette pack.
In addition, the people who work in many organizations, including the government, want to do the right thing, but are bound by politicians, and there is no lack of dedication and hard work, they seem to put tobacco interests first.
Therefore, Switzerland is synonymous with excellence in many areas of life, although the international public health community generally regards itself as a shame, because it fails to address the main causes of domestic illness, disability and premature death, and it is far from the international public --
Conduct in other regulatory areas.
For example, the current standards for the emission levels of the largest tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide cigarettes are set in accordance with EU regulations, but the industry has lobbied --
So far, success
Ensure that European regulations are not fully adopted in Switzerland.
These should apply to all cigarettes made in Europe, whether consumed or exported in the region, but Philip Morris, bat and Japan Tobacco International have repeatedly threatened to say, unless they can continue to produce cigarettes with unlimited tar and nicotine levels to export to Asia, they will move their Swiss factories overseas. African and former Soviet bloc countries.
Switzerland is currently engaged in a new round of bilateral negotiations with the EU, one of the most controversial issues in the discussion, with a considerable number of tobacco involved in the high-pressure lobbying
Friendly members of parliament.
Public health advocates are surprised that Switzerland has hosted the WHO International headquarters but has not yet ratified the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)
The agreement was signed on 2004.
It is true that the government tobacco control programme of 2008-2012 has approved as a target, but so far, action can only be taken to implement it without approval.
Even if it does intend to approve, it is unlikely that it will be approved by 2013.
In addition, on last November, the government expressed its opposition to a popular initiative launched by the Swiss union for the lung, which collected 133000 signatures and called for a constitutional referendum to be held prohibiting the use of public indoor spaces
Although this proposal will not completely prohibit the workplace.
Special smoking rooms are allowed without service (
Like the French model)—
The federal government believes that even this is too much.
It will suggest that citizens vote against it and not counter itproposal.
The current federal law is similar to the recently abolished \"Spanish model \"(
See Spain: a total ban goes beyond the \"Spanish model.
Control 2010; 20:6–7).
It allows small companies to declare themselves a smoking place and allows large companies to have large rooms where smoking is allowed.
A very shameful feature of federal law is that if people accept a clause in an employment contract that acknowledges that they will be exposed to tobacco, they can be recruited to work cigarettes in places where smoking is allowed, prompting speculation about how other workers are exposed to toxins at work, such as when dismantling asbestos insulation materials in buildings, they feel that they must give up their protection rights.
Needless to say, this outrageous practice is one of several ways federal laws do not meet the FCTC standards.
This, coupled with the possible outcome of political change in elections at the end of this year, makes health advocates pessimistic about Switzerland\'s intention to announce its ratification of the Framework Convention will be achieved in the foreseeable future.
Switzerland: cigarette ads for underground parking in Geneva.
World: Uruguay\'s health minister, Daniel alsk, attended the CoP4 conference by installing large cigarette models.
Photo: Andrew Kerr
World: working hard to achieve health benefits at the fourth session of the Conference of the parties (CoP)
Who governing body of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC)
The fourth session was held‘CoP4’—
In last November, the capital of Uruguay, Mongolia.
The third session of CoP3 achieved better results in terms of health than many had predicted (
See the world: Victory in cop3 health.
Control 2009; 18:6–7);
Despite unprecedented efforts by the tobacco industry to stop progress, CoP4 has also made significant achievements in health.
The main topics discussed by 172 FCTC parties in CoP4 include seasoning and additives (
Articles 9 and 10 covered)
In the months leading up to the montvieja conference, this has been the focus of the global tobacco industry\'s long-term advocacy campaign.
The industry is trying to describe the guide as banning certain types of tobacco, which will hurt millions of farmers, especially those in developing countries.
However, the CoP4 representative, with the support of many growers countries, endorsed the guidelines designed to limit the flavors used to attract new young smokers.
The meeting also agreed to set up a working group to draft guidelines on tobacco taxation, the most effective short-term guidelines
Long-term measures to reduce consumption.
Although there is a lot of evidence that the increase in government revenue and the decrease in disease incidence after the reduction in consumption have a double benefit, affected by industry lobbying, the Treasury Department usually prevents tax increases, they did not realize what was in the best interests of their country.
Other guidelines adopted by CoP4 include 12 guidelines (
Education, communication, training and public awareness)
And 14 (
Stop Policy)
All passed smoothly.
The task of working groups dealing with Articles 17 and 18 on policy options and proposals for economically viable tobacco alternatives has been extended, especially for growers.
Adopted a decision to support the implementation of the Framework Convention and its guidelines by parties attacked under trade and investment agreements
In particular, Uruguay, the host country, whose labeling and packaging requirements were legally attacked by Philip Morris.
Also agreed to urge the linking of the implementation of the framework convention with international development efforts, including the 2011 UN summit on non-framework conventions
Infectious Diseases.
Negotiations on the protocol on illegal trade will continue until 2012, and an informal working group will deal with unresolved issues since the last formal bargaining meeting (
Held on March 2010)
And how to finance the protocol and how best to supplement other agreements (
United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.
So which countries support or oppose which articles?
Sources close to the proceedings said that, with the support of a number of other African countries, Zimbabwe, Malawi and Zambia repeatedly referred to the expected impact of white tobacco growers in Articles 9 and 10
Zimbabwe and Malawi are not parties to the framework convention and must wait until each section ends before making comments.
In the African region, however, those who are committed to the adoption of the code will eventually win.
China, sometimes with Japan, has criticized the concept of \"attraction\" as too vague and wants to postpone until reliable advice on addiction and toxicity is produced.
It is said that China is most concerned about China\'s tobacco monopoly and has taken extreme measures before it finally faces challenges.
The compromise on savings allowed delegates to agree on a consensus position.
The European Union initially opposed the creation of article 6 (taxation)
The working group changed its position after an overnight adjournment.
It also objected to the allocation of any budget for the holding of working group meetings, but India, Brazil and others sought to add a footnote to the decision document allowing targeted contributions to fund those activities.
The report to the plenary was missing.
Won the footnote, but South Africa\'s impassioned request (
It turns out that such health
Friendly host of CoP3)
With the support of Brazil and India, it finally saw its insertion.
CoP4 achieved good results in health, due to the observations and suggestions of many of the official government delegations and unofficial delegations
Government departments.
Not surprisingly, although the past, present and future require hard work, FCTC remains the envy of colleagues working in other areas of public health.
Canada: one of the new health warnings put forward by the government shows that former model Barb Tarbox died of lung cancer (
Photo: Greg Southan©Edmonton Daily).
Canada: It took ten years for the new warning proposal to get back on track, but Canada now seems to be offering again some of the world\'s largest and possibly best cigarette warning labels.
They will pay 75 of the package.
Although Honduras will meet this standard, only Uruguay has a larger share of 80.
In addition, the new Canadian warning will feature an exit
Smoking hotline numbers and social media links for young smokers.
On June 2000, the Canadian Parliament unanimously adopted a world precedent.
The color warning label, officially launched in 2001, covers 50% of the front and back panels of cigarette packaging.
In the middle decade, dozens of other countries have developed and sometimes updated their warning labels, usually larger and more graphic than Canada\'s original 16 images.
After more than 6 years of research and focus group research, the cost of the report was C $3. 6 million (US$3. 63 million)
The new warnings seem to be in sight, and only Canadians know in September 2010 that the Conservative government has put these warnings on hold in order to concentrate on opposition.
Smuggling Activities
Under the leadership of the Canadian Medical Association Journal and several newspapers, editorial protests in the media were swift and intense, and they all raised the same basic question: why not do so at the same time?
However, at the end of December, most people were on vacation, and after news reports revealed the tobacco industry\'s extensive lobbying of the government before and after the warning was put on hold, the government made a question about
Turn around and announce the warning is set to appear after all.
No legislative date has been given to implement the warning, there will be 75-
One day after the publication of the legislation to comment, but Health Minister Leona Aglukkaq promised a warning at some point in 2011.
At the introductory press conference, only 4 of the 16 new labels were exposed.
Three of them are relatively weak, but the last photo of the inverted Tarbox-
The first color warning label in the United States is also considering a picture --
It will undoubtedly prove powerful, mobile, and even disturbing.
A former model, who had brought a backlash in the campaign
After her own diagnosis of lung cancer, Tarbox will be the face of the new warning, as Canada may regain leadership in the areas it pioneered.
Stan shatensteinuk: a siwaak, a natural toothbrush from the Arak tree in Egypt, with cultural and spiritual significance in Islamic traditions, according to the notice given to Muslims in Leicester, help them quit smoking during the Ramadan campaign, 2010.
World: The latest news of the decline in tobacco stocks from the international financial world!
In January 7, Citigroup, one of the world\'s largest and most respected sources of financial market information, provided public health advocates around the world with the best news they might have to start from the new year.
It lowered its advice to investors on tobacco stocks. The 60-
The page report, published in January 7, also predicts that smoking in developed countries may disappear in the next 30 to 50 years.
In the title \"tobacco: what if the last smoker quit smoking in 2050?
Citigroup said it downgraded the stock ratings of major tobacco companies such as BAT and Philip Morris to short
The long-term trend has \"deteriorated\" and \". . . We are also paying more and more attention to long-term trends.
\"The concerns of CitiGroup and big investors, due to falling profits, tend to mean a decline in sales, which in turn means a decrease in the rate of disease and premature death in the future, CitiGroup (CitiGroup) the downgrade of the tobacco rating means that there is reason to make significant guarantees and optimism about the world health situation.
CitiGroup said in a bold statement that \"general packaging is coming soon\" that the European Commission is expected to recommend that Europe consider general packaging;
Australia will publish its laws on general packaging.
It also drew attention to Canada\'s announcement that a health warning there would need to cover 75% of the packaging so that it would also look normal there.
In the long run, it says, it is difficult to ignore data showing a \"straight down\" smoking rate over the past 50 years.
\"If this continues, as it has been in 50 years, it means that the percentage of the decline in numbers will gradually accelerate, and it seems to be something that has happened.
The release of the Citigroup report has led to a significant decline in the value of tobacco companies\' shares in the UK stock market, suggesting how serious investors are about Citigroup\'s forecasts.
Thailand: strict new regulations the government announced that it would amend the 1992 Tobacco Products Act to ban the sale of tobacco products to people under the age of 20.
It will also ban the addition of spices or vitamins to cigarettes, a move apparently aimed at preventing tobacco companies from recruiting more young smokers after a significant increase in the use of these additives.
In addition, the government will issue a regulation to ensure only fire fighting
Thailand has become the first Asian country to implement this measure by selling safer cigarettes.
The United States is a pioneer in this policy, followed by Canada, Australia and Finland.
Similar measures are expected in the EU.
Romania: JTI in a more bizarre example of large tobacco companies trying to prove that tobacco smuggling is the worst enemy in any country, let war dogs slide into smuggling, they hope, romania recently launched a campaign to suspend further increases in tobacco taxes.
Japan Tobacco International (JTI)
The cost is 300000 euros (US$404u2008600)
The project of donating 30 sniffing dogs and 30 special cars to the Romanian national customs authorities.
The project will last for three years, including 3-month courses.
According to reports, a spokesman for the Customs Department claimed that a police dog team found that the success rate of smuggling cigarettes may be as high as 99.
10 tobacco dog teams and 30 have been trained to find illegal drugs.
JTI\'s advocacy for donations included a lot of statistics on the \"contribution\" of tobacco companies to national finance, but did not mention that it was trying to convince the government not to \"contribute\" so much.
I don\'t know if in the bad times when tobacco companies colluded with organized black market activities, they trained-
Tobacco dogs once turned around and bit their industry sponsors.
World: New Heart Health profile to raise public awareness of the link between cardiovascular disease and secondhand smoke, global smoke-free partnership (GSP)
A new film and educational leaflet was produced, summarizing the scientific evidence of the cardiovascular effects of secondhand smoke and its impact on cardiologists.
Through GSP, more than 15 organizations work together to design, produce and distribute films and flyers.
Resource production by the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC)
Rosewell Park Cancer Institute, the World Heart Federation and the World Lung Federation.
The Chinese and English versions of the resource were released at the World Conference on heart disease on last June (WCC)
In Beijing, China.
Titled \"Warning: Secondhand smoke is harmful to your heart,\" the film and Flyer offers free English, Chinese and Spanish in the UK: although on the second Wednesday of the third week, but for Muslims in the UK, smoking ban days have been the focus of smoking cessation activities, and health professionals recognize that for some, the chances of quitting are better.
As most Britons admit, the traditional time to make decisions about individual behavior, the new year, is far from suitable for drug addiction.
Many smokers are shivering in another cold and humid British winter, spending their money on seasonal holiday celebrations and gifts, not to mention the impact of beer and skittles, and returning to work is imminent, finding this is hardly the best time to deal with things that may cause temporary discomfort in the east.
Therefore, No Smoking Day is to take advantage of the more optimistic feeling in the spring air.
However, there may be a better stop season in some traditions.
Leicester is a city in East Midlands, England, with a large minority population, including many South Asian Muslims, and the idea takes place among health workers.
In 2007-2008, all users of STOP account!
Leicester\'s smoking cessation service experts come from ethnic minorities,
Over the next year, with comprehensive plans, the proportion of people receiving smoking treatment rose to 21%, creating a sustainable and productive partnership with the Muslim community of Leicester.
Perhaps the most striking aspect of the campaign is a very unique smoking cessation initiative built on the Islamic month of Ramadan, which began at the end of August 2009.
From dawn to sunset during Ramadan, Muslims must avoid all food, drinks, cigarettes and any kind of tobacco.
This provides an ideal opportunity to experience smokingfree.
In addition, health workers came up with a unique thing: they promoted the use of a tooth stick called \"siwaak\", a wooden brush for the native arak tree growing in Egypt, it has a high cultural and spiritual significance in the Islamic tradition.
Its use is encouraged to reduce the effects of desire and ease the emptiness left by the repeated hand-mouth movements of smokers.
The key to this is that, unlike smoking during the day, the use of siwaak does not invalidate a person\'s fasting.
It is not surprising that the absorption of stop materials, including siwaak, is excellent, and the attention of the media is also very active. STOP!
It is currently planning to launch a special stop campaign against Muslims during Ramadan, which began in August 1.
All articles written by David Simpson, unless otherwise stated.
Ideas and projects for news analysis should be sent to: David. Simpson{at}ctsu. ox. ac.
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