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Plastic film found in baby books

by:Top-In     2020-07-29
After finding plastic film on the back of the mirror, a committee has stopped providing books for babies.
The mirror is behind this little baby board book, which is part of a bookmark baby bag.
The Hereford Council says they stop supplying affected books once they receive warnings of potential dangers.
It is feared that if plastic is swallowed, it may pose a risk of suffocation to the baby.
Some have been delivered and parents are urged to check their books, a spokesman said.
Bookstart Trust has alerted the council to this issue, he said.
A trust spokesman said: \"Manufacturers should remove the protective plastic film covering the small fake mirror on the inside back cover, but the film has not been removed and thus poses a potential risk of suffocation.
He added: \"all stocks are under inspection and professionals and parliamentary staff are asked to remind their families.
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