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Tesco to ban non-recyclable plastic packaging by 2019

by:Top-In     2020-07-29
Tesco announced that it will ban all non-
By 2019, environmental activists cautiously welcomed \"raising the threshold for problematic plastics \".
The supermarket giant has called on the government to help build a consistent recycling infrastructure that makes it possible for a \"closed loop\" system that completely avoids waste.
Despite major moves by Tesco, unlike some competitors, Britain\'s largest supermarket chain must remain firmly committed to reducing the amount of plastic it produces and sells.
Tesco chief product officer Jason Tarry told suppliers at an industry event that the company is \"committed to reducing the total amount of packaging used throughout our business \".
\"Ideally we would like to move to a closed loop system,\" Mr Tarry said . \".
\"After consulting with our major suppliers earlier this year, we will work with our suppliers to redesign and reduce all packaging materials by 2019, we will remove all packages that are difficult to recycle from our business.
These \"hard to recycle\" plastics will include PVC in plastic films, polystyrene and water used in pizza trays --
Soluble bio-plastic
A spokesman for Tesco told The Independent that the goal will be achieved by the end of 2019, excluding recyclable black plastics and other varieties that are not widely recycled in the UK.
Mr. Tarry added that Tesco was \"ready\" to work with the government to implement a closed-loop approach to improve overall plastic recycling in the UK.
At AprilTesco, competitors, including Sainsbury and Aldi, signed the \"world first\" UK plastic agreement, promising to eradicate the single
Use the plastic on the package.
As part of this voluntary commitment, any remaining plastic in use must be fully recyclable by 2025.
Activists responded positively to Tesco\'s statement, although they pointed out that the company still has a lot to do if Tesco intends to deliver on its promises.
\"Tesco may be a game as the largest grocery store in the UK --
\"Plastic Packaging has changed,\" said Elena Polisano, a marine activist at Greenpeace UK . \".
\"By promising to quickly eliminate some of the plastic that is difficult to recycle, it raises the threshold for action on problem plastics.
Ms. Polisano noted that the target contained biodegradable plastics that did not address the pollution problem due to the specific conditions required for their decomposition in the natural environment.
\"By acknowledging that we can\'t blindly replace plastic with bio-plastic, some of which will continue to exist in the environment, endangering wildlife, Tesco promises to avoid the wrong solution,\" she said
Friends of Earth plastics activist Julian Kirby agreed that the new announcement appeared to be \"ahead of it \".
\"This is obviously a good thing in terms of recyclability-non-
\"Recyclable packaging is being put on the market,\" he said . \".
\"What is missing is long.
Term vision-we need system change, we need all stakeholders to get out of the comfort zone of thinking and we can recycle our way.
\"If we are going to end the plastic pollution, we need to phase out all the plastic in addition to the most basic plastic.
Ms. Polisano said: \"Tesco is not set too much-
In order to reduce the volume of plastic packaging, all supermarkets must do this to curb plastic pollution.
\"Iceland is currently leading the way in reducing plastics and is committed to eliminating the single
Plastic that uses its own brand products by 2023.
Lidl also pledged to work towards a reduction of 20 percentage points by 2022.
\"We are challenging all supermarkets to reduce their single
Use the plastic footprint in the shortest possible time while they should pull out all the stops to remove unnecessary and non-
Recycled plastic packaging by 2019, \"said MS Polisano.
\"Now that we know what it does to our oceans, it has to go.
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