time to go cold turkey on plastic bags
Ian Kilnan, chair of the Australian clean-up committee, wrote that although the community explicitly supports the ban on plastic bags, our government has refused to act.
Climate change is undoubtedly the biggest problem facing our generation.
But what opportunities do we have when complex solutions to climate change arise to solve the plastic bag problem --banning them.
Like climate skeptics, our political leaders continue to listen to themselves.
Claiming that the industry benefits of plastic bags are not a problem.
Those who produce plastic bags and rely on cheap supplies deny having a big impact on the environment, a common attitude of the greenhouse pollution industry.
Like the industry responsible for human beings.
Cause climate change, plastic bag manufacturers and retailers who keep handing out plastic bags blame you and me
Family and individual
Because of the pollution they caused.
Is there a problem with plastic bags?
Just last week, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP (UNEP)
Released the first ever study of the impact of marine debris on the world\'s oceans.
Marine litter: A Global Challenge Research report found that plastic, especially plastic bags and polyester (PET)
Bottles are the most common type of marine waste on Earth, and plastic accounts for more than 80 of the world\'s marine waste.
Plastic bags alone account for nearly 10 per cent.
The executive director of UNEP, Achim Steiner, said in the release of the new report, \"some garbage, such as film, single garbage
The use of plastic bags that suffocate marine life should be banned anywhere or eliminated quickly, because there is no reason to make plastic bags anywhere.
\"In a shocking example of the extent of damage that could be caused by the dumping of garbage at sea, the report emphasizes that most of the rubbish dumped in Western Australia eventually falls on the east coast of South Africa.
Along the way, animals, including birds, fish and turtles, mistake dumped plastic bags and plastic bags for food.
In Australia, plastic bags threaten the survival of endangered birds and marine life.
The federal government\'s own scientific committee on endangered species has found that plastic bags and other marine waste pose a direct threat to 20 marine species, including lumpy turtles, southern right whales, blue whales and Tristan albatross.
Under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Protection Act 1999, it lists plastic bags as \"critical threat processes \".
Plastic is like radioactive waste.
It will not disappear.
Plastic bags do break down, but all that happens is that they are getting smaller and smaller pieces of plastic.
These tiny pieces of plastic are now entering the food chain earlier due to the intake of marine life.
Plastic bags are convenient, but alternatives are also convenient.
The key problem is the habit we develop.
Just as it has become a habit to take our groceries home with plastic bags, we will not use them either.
There are already cheap and practical alternatives.
Alternatives that do not damage our environment, such as reusable bags made of durable, washable non-plastic.
The stubborn refusal to accept change does not come from society;
It comes from those who advise our minister.
The community raised its hands again and again to support a ban.
More and more communities in South Australia and across the country are tired of the lack of action, so they are starting to introduce their own ban on plastic bags.
Shortly after serving as the Federal Minister of the environment, Peter garlitte publicly announced that our environment has gone through years of inaction and that he will act quickly to ban terrible plastic bags.
Just a few weeks ago, our state and federal minister of environment met in Hobart to discuss our pressing waste issues.
They must be commended for taking the steps that should have been taken long ago, seriously considering container refunds or similar plans and handling electronic waste, but they are quiet in terms of plastic bags.
More than 4 billion plastic bags are rolled out each year through supermarket checkout.
In this figure, only three percentage points are recycled and the rest are either in our environment or in a landfill.
The solution is simple with community support.
It is time for the government to break this habit and ban the use of plastic bags nationwide.
Ian Kiernan AO is the president of cleaning up Australia. Topics:land-
Pollution, environment, pollution, water
Climate change is undoubtedly the biggest problem facing our generation.
But what opportunities do we have when complex solutions to climate change arise to solve the plastic bag problem --banning them.
Like climate skeptics, our political leaders continue to listen to themselves.
Claiming that the industry benefits of plastic bags are not a problem.
Those who produce plastic bags and rely on cheap supplies deny having a big impact on the environment, a common attitude of the greenhouse pollution industry.
Like the industry responsible for human beings.
Cause climate change, plastic bag manufacturers and retailers who keep handing out plastic bags blame you and me
Family and individual
Because of the pollution they caused.
Is there a problem with plastic bags?
Just last week, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP (UNEP)
Released the first ever study of the impact of marine debris on the world\'s oceans.
Marine litter: A Global Challenge Research report found that plastic, especially plastic bags and polyester (PET)
Bottles are the most common type of marine waste on Earth, and plastic accounts for more than 80 of the world\'s marine waste.
Plastic bags alone account for nearly 10 per cent.
The executive director of UNEP, Achim Steiner, said in the release of the new report, \"some garbage, such as film, single garbage
The use of plastic bags that suffocate marine life should be banned anywhere or eliminated quickly, because there is no reason to make plastic bags anywhere.
\"In a shocking example of the extent of damage that could be caused by the dumping of garbage at sea, the report emphasizes that most of the rubbish dumped in Western Australia eventually falls on the east coast of South Africa.
Along the way, animals, including birds, fish and turtles, mistake dumped plastic bags and plastic bags for food.
In Australia, plastic bags threaten the survival of endangered birds and marine life.
The federal government\'s own scientific committee on endangered species has found that plastic bags and other marine waste pose a direct threat to 20 marine species, including lumpy turtles, southern right whales, blue whales and Tristan albatross.
Under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Protection Act 1999, it lists plastic bags as \"critical threat processes \".
Plastic is like radioactive waste.
It will not disappear.
Plastic bags do break down, but all that happens is that they are getting smaller and smaller pieces of plastic.
These tiny pieces of plastic are now entering the food chain earlier due to the intake of marine life.
Plastic bags are convenient, but alternatives are also convenient.
The key problem is the habit we develop.
Just as it has become a habit to take our groceries home with plastic bags, we will not use them either.
There are already cheap and practical alternatives.
Alternatives that do not damage our environment, such as reusable bags made of durable, washable non-plastic.
The stubborn refusal to accept change does not come from society;
It comes from those who advise our minister.
The community raised its hands again and again to support a ban.
More and more communities in South Australia and across the country are tired of the lack of action, so they are starting to introduce their own ban on plastic bags.
Shortly after serving as the Federal Minister of the environment, Peter garlitte publicly announced that our environment has gone through years of inaction and that he will act quickly to ban terrible plastic bags.
Just a few weeks ago, our state and federal minister of environment met in Hobart to discuss our pressing waste issues.
They must be commended for taking the steps that should have been taken long ago, seriously considering container refunds or similar plans and handling electronic waste, but they are quiet in terms of plastic bags.
More than 4 billion plastic bags are rolled out each year through supermarket checkout.
In this figure, only three percentage points are recycled and the rest are either in our environment or in a landfill.
The solution is simple with community support.
It is time for the government to break this habit and ban the use of plastic bags nationwide.
Ian Kiernan AO is the president of cleaning up Australia. Topics:land-
Pollution, environment, pollution, water
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